Friday, 25 January 2013
New Rogue Trader Blog: Classic40k and some other bits and bobs...
Pete Lloyd has recently launched a new blog concerning Oldhammer 40,000! Its looking promising already, and he hopes to discuss both Rogue Trader and the (almost) equally loved 2nd Edition.
Here's the link...
Inspired by his old school orcs, I had a quick splash around with some Citadel Colour and started painting my second Rogue Trader model...
Here's a WIP
I have also received my first Rogue Trader Realm of Chaos models... Four chaos renegades with heavy weapons and a Slaanesh marine/champion. Obviously, they have gone straight in the stripping agent. As soon as they are cleaned up, I'll have them up here for your viewing pleasure. I intend to do a small force of Slaaneshi renegades to act as an antidote to the Khornate army I am currently painting for 3rd Edition Warhammer, so expect lots of titillating pink and bilious green to come.